College of the Holy Cross - Women  

Player Scoring Avg Tournaments Rounds High Low
Morgan Powers 86.75 6 12 94.00 77.00
Marisa Cameron 88.86 7 14 94.00 83.00
Kelly Reagan 94.15 6 13 104.00 83.00
Lydia Deneen 96.71 7 14 102.00 90.00
Claire McMahur 100.50 1 2 105.00 96.00
Claire McMahon 103.13 4 8 112.00 98.00
Erika Park 104.00 3 6 111.00 97.00
Lisa Balesano 111.00 1 1 111.00 111.00
Regan McCooey 117.00 2 3 123.00 111.00