Alice Lloyd College Women's Spring Inivtational
Par 3s 1. Brescia 3.80 +32 2. Indiana Tech 3.83 +33 3. Oakl. City 3.88 +35 4. Bluffton 3.90 +36 5. Saint Mary of the Woods C 4.05 +42 Virginia-Wise 4.05 +42 7. Rend Lk CC 4.15 +46 8. Shawnee St 4.18 +47 9. Alice Lloyd College 4.32 +21 10. Asbury 4.35 +43 11. Roane State Community Col 4.41 +34 Par 4s 1. Indiana Tech 4.68 +61 Oakl. City 4.68 +61 3. Brescia 4.78 +70 4. Bluffton 4.86 +78 5. Saint Mary of the Woods C 4.93 +84 6. Virginia-Wise 4.97 +87 7. Rend Lk CC 5.05 +94 8. Shawnee St 5.35 +121 9. Alice Lloyd College 5.50 +54 10. Asbury 5.54 +111 11. Roane State Community Col 5.77 +96 Par 5s 1. Indiana Tech 5.40 +20 2. Virginia-Wise 5.68 +34 3. Brescia 5.72 +36 4. Saint Mary of the Woods C 5.86 +43 5. Bluffton 5.90 +45 6. Oakl. City 5.94 +47 7. Rend Lk CC 6.10 +55 8. Shawnee St 6.66 +83 9. Roane State Community Col 6.70 +51 10. Asbury 6.82 +73 11. Alice Lloyd College 7.15 +43 Pars 1. Indiana Tech 78 2. Brescia 66 3. Bluffton 64 Oakl. City 64 5. Saint Mary of the Woods C 57 6. Rend Lk CC 50 Virginia-Wise 50 8. Shawnee St 43 9. Asbury 28 10. Roane State Community Col 15 11. Alice Lloyd College 7 Birdies 1. Indiana Tech 10 Saint Mary of the Woods C 10 3. Brescia 8 4. Oakl. City 7 Bluffton 7 6. Rend Lk CC 6 7. Shawnee St 4 8. Virginia-Wise 3 Asbury 3 10. Roane State Community Col 1 Eagles 1. Virginia-Wise 2 2. Rend Lk CC 1